A Different Type of CLEANSE
Our wellbeing is hugely connected to the ability to connect, appreciate and feel gratitude. When we get too busy, or use distractions to get through the day, we essentially get further away from what we are actually looking for: that deep feeling of joy and connectivity. If a deep feeling of joy in fact IS what you're looking for of course! (Please don't let me define your reality). As much as the physical body sometimes needs a thorough cleanse of junk foods, too much cardio or what ever it might be, we can help ourselves move closer to joy by doing a little every day life cleanse of distractions. I found this TED talk that discusses how screen time can give us the illusion of finding the magic solution to disconnect, when in fact, knowing when to stop and smell the roses is a good way to engage all the senses and thus feel dialed in.
As a professional, and also someone who has friends and loved ones far away in the world, it is very easy to feel dependent on the screen. If I didn't post on Instagram I felt like my business would go under, and if I didn't check Facebook on what my friends were up to, I was feeling disconnected with them. But my Facebook habits made me call and connect with them less, and the Instagram posts started feeling compulsive and it just didn't make me feel good anymore. So I decided to do my own virtual reality cleanse, and I'd like to share it with you for inspiration.
Me and my lover never bring phones to dinner. It used to be the thing everyone put on the table like everyone else, and now we're the weird ones! I kind of like being weird!
Instagram is fun! I love seeing good and inspiring posts and what friends are up to. But I reduced the time to just a few minutes per day. I share consciously. For my passion, love, work and fun. After all who doesn't love to watch unicorn dust farts and Trump jokes on a regular basis?
I don't get any notifications instantly fed to me on my phone. Instead I just check while working and when work is done, life and fun gets some more conscious space. Indulging in what and who is with me in the moment is connecting!
At least one whole day on a weekend my phone gets to rest. Ill check it once but if there is nothing which seems like and emergency all my messages are answered the next day. This one is pretty hard to get used to but feels AMAZING when I completely forget about the phone.
All of these might feel pretty aggressive in this day and age, but even trying them out for a week is useful and freeing. There is freedom to be found in more time to have conversations, read, swim, dance, and simply look people n the eyes when talking with them. E N J O Y!!!
Live loud!