The path is the teacher, roadblocks and all
As long as I’ve been a wellness professional, here in Los Angeles where I live, I’ve paved my path with trying to stay as true to myself as possible. I have failed multiple times. On my journey to tease out who I am and what I want to put out in this world, I’ve turned a wrong corner a gazillion times. Now I can laugh at, and cringe at too, all those times shit has hit the fan! I found that a huge strength of mine is to fall down and get up again, and not take everything too personally, but on the other hand there has been a ton of TRIAL and ERROR leading me forward on my path, and galvanizing me further. Many of these times, I’ve considered myself getting the short end of the proverbial stick. Alas, like a spotlight lighting it up, the path taught me that the short end of the stick, is in-fact the entire stick.
From all of my experiences throughout my work career, officially known/seen or not, I’ve gained a confidence in knowing that there are no absolutes. Everything is relative and very much worth considering, talking about, being curious about, and continuous learning is continuous progress. The question: What can I learn from you/this, is my best friend! How exciting that we know a lot, and nothing at the same time! Also, however painful or gleeful, this process has been just up my alley. If it ain’t challenging, it’s nothing :)).
What I KNOW FOR SURE though, is that in this way, I have come closer to my true self. My true self is non-rigid, fluid, curious, stubborn, flawed and graceful all at the same time. I have come closer to being able to strip myself off of expectation of the surrounding world, and trust myself and my approach to my work, my world, my short time here. I am passionate about my work, and I keep finding new ways of using my expertise to make wellness available to more people. Being as healthy as we can be, from our own unique starting position, will in this next century, together with taking care of our planet, the most important tool we have for living our best lives. And paying it forward.
Here is what I believe:
-Everyone has the right to be healthy
-Access to wellness everything (information, food, social, mental, physical environment) should be a human right
-The quest for health and wellness is different for EVERYONE
-Anything you do with your wellness, that’s just a little bit better, is GOOD enough
-The other side of what YOU believe about wellness is NOT WRONG, just different
-What remains is: we, as a species, need to move regularly, hang out with each other, have access to proper nutrition (clean water, whole foods), give and receive love, feel safe.
With this said, I am curious to hear about YOUR take on health. Any thoughts are welcome. Are you in it for the six pack? Or is it a medical daily necessity? Is it a feeling of freedom or perhaps, the opposite? How can we change the language and approach around our why? and move forward a bit healthier, stronger and more resilient?
Send me a DM! Im happy to hear your thoughts!
Live Loud!
Tanja D