The Beginning
Malibu beach shot by Anna-Maria Zunino-Noellert
There is something about the beginning of the year that makes us get going. We make resolutions, want to start anew, make bets, cancel things, add things, clean house, clean minds, and on it goes:))! I have this theory that end of year is so tiring, after a whole year of doing stuff, that we all just need a reset and to begin again. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I’d argue that it’s actually the course of nature. What a great time of year to harness the energy of renewal!
Personally I’ve never had new years resolutions, they don’t work for me. I feel like I’m a constant work in progress and I take the trial and failures as they emerge. What I do like is the feeling of starting again, after rest. Whether it’s having a wonderful weekend, and starting Monday again, or it’s a vacation away from work, and starting up again after that, it is a feeling try to I harness and that energizes me. Yes you’re right; not always successfully, but what would life be for us without trial and error? Grieve your mistakes and failures, and then be a goldfish, forget and start anew. That’s the beauty of rest and regeneration. It’s actually a truly energizing process!
My own new year started with some time off, spending some truly gorgeous time outside (if there is something that I appreciate about living in SO-Cal, it’s the winter weather! Sun, and cool air) taking some needed yoga classes from other teachers. This time I went to our Equinox Santa Monica location just for fun, and took a hot yoga class with Austin Hollingshead, (@invertedyogi) and it was a great class, with gentle and supportive instruction, and GREAT music. I rarely get to take other teachers classes so I’m thrilled I got to do this one. It’s something I’d like to explore more this year. WE have so many amazing teachers around us, and creating community through being both a student and teacher is connecting.I love it!
I find myself gravitating towards these words right now: begin, move, community, love, intention, forgiveness, create and I’m feeling January sending me some good vibes and solid energy. How has your year started? Are there things present that have moved you yet? If you look for them, they might just appear. Enjoy the month.